Menambah dan Menghapus DSN

Berikut dibawah ini adalah rutin atau syntax untuk Menambah dan Menghapus DSN yang nantinya bias digunakan untuk menghubungkan konkesi Aplikasi ke Database Anda.

‘—-DSN Declarations——–
Option Explicit

Public Enum eDBType
End Enum

Public Type tDSNAttrib
Type As eDBType                 ‘FileBased (eg Access) or ServerBased (eg. SQL Server)
Server As String                ‘Database Server
Description As String           ‘Database description
DSN As String                   ‘The DSN Name
Driver As String                ‘The Drive name
Database As String              ‘Name or path of database
UserID As String                ‘The UserID
Password As String              ‘The User Password
TrustedConnection As Boolean    ‘If True ignore the UserID and Password as will us NT
SystemDSN As Boolean            ‘If True creates a system DSN, else creates a user DSN.
End Type

Private Const ODBC_ADD_DSN = 1
Private Const ODBC_CONFIG_DSN = 2
Private Const ODBC_REMOVE_DSN = 3
Private Const ODBC_ADD_SYS_DSN = 4
Private Const ODBC_CONFIG_SYS_DSN = 5
Private Const ODBC_REMOVE_SYS_DSN = 6
Private Declare Function SQLConfigDataSource Lib “ODBCCP32.DLL” (ByVal hwndParent As Long, ByVal fRequest As Long, ByVal lpszDriver As String, ByVal lpszAttributes As String) As Long
Private Declare Function SQLInstallerError Lib “ODBCCP32.DLL” (ByVal iError As Long, ByVal pfErrorCode As Long, ByVal lpszErrorMsg As String, ByVal cbErrorMsgMax As Long, pcbErrorMsg As Long) As Long

Public Function DSNCreate(tAttributes As tDSNAttrib) As String
Const clMaxErrors As Long = 8
Dim lRet As Long, sError As String, lLen As Long, lErrorCode As Long
Dim sAttributes As String, bSuccess As Boolean, lThisMessage As Long

On Error Resume Next
If tAttributes.Type = FileBased Then
‘File based database
sAttributes = “DBQ=” & tAttributes.Database & vbNullChar
‘Server based database
sAttributes = “Server=” & tAttributes.Server & vbNullChar
sAttributes = sAttributes & “DATABASE=” & tAttributes.Database & vbNullChar
End If

‘Name of DSN
sAttributes = sAttributes & “DSN=” & tAttributes.DSN & vbNullChar

If Len(tAttributes.Description) Then
sAttributes = sAttributes & “DESCRIPTION=” & tAttributes.Description & vbNullChar
End If

If tAttributes.TrustedConnection Then
‘Use Windows NT Authentication
‘(will only validate the username and password when connection to the database)
sAttributes = sAttributes & “Trusted_Connection=Yes” & vbNullChar
‘Specify a username and password (must specify a valid username and password)
If Len(tAttributes.UserID) Then
sAttributes = sAttributes & “UID=” & tAttributes.UserID & vbNullChar
End If

If Len(tAttributes.Password) Then
sAttributes = sAttributes & “PWD=” & tAttributes.Password & vbNullChar
End If
End If
If tAttributes.SystemDSN Then
‘Create a system DSN (visible to all users and services)
bSuccess = SQLConfigDataSource(0&, ODBC_ADD_SYS_DSN, tAttributes.Driver, sAttributes)
‘Create a user DSN (visible to the current users)
bSuccess = SQLConfigDataSource(0&, ODBC_ADD_DSN, tAttributes.Driver, sAttributes)
End If

If bSuccess = False Then
‘Failed to create DSN, return error message
sError = String(255, 0)
For lThisMessage = 1 To clMaxErrors
lRet = SQLInstallerError(lThisMessage, lErrorCode, sError, 255&, lLen)
If lRet = 0 Then
‘Add error messages together
DSNCreate = DSNCreate & Left(sError, lLen) & vbNewLine
‘No more error messages
Exit For
End If
DSNCreate = “”
End If
End Function

Public Function DSNDelete(sDSN As String, sDriver As String, Optional bSystemDSN As Boolean = False) As Boolean
Dim lRet As Long
Dim sAttributes As String

On Error Resume Next
sAttributes = “DSN=” & sDSN & vbNullChar
If bSystemDSN Then
DSNDelete = SQLConfigDataSource(0&, ODBC_REMOVE_DSN, sDriver, sAttributes)
DSNDelete = SQLConfigDataSource(0&, ODBC_REMOVE_SYS_DSN, sDriver, sAttributes)
End If
End Function

‘Demonstration routine
Sub Test()
Dim tDSNDetails As tDSNAttrib, sError As String

‘—Add an Access DSN
With tDSNDetails
.Database = “C:\vbusers.mdb”
.Driver = “Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)”
.Password = “”
.UserID = “Admin”
.DSN = “TestDSN”
.Description = “A Test Database”
.Type = FileBased
End With

sError = DSNCreate(tDSNDetails)
If Len(sError) = 0 Then
MsgBox “Created user DSN”
‘Delete the new DSN
If DSNDelete(tDSNDetails.DSN, tDSNDetails.Driver) Then
MsgBox “Deleted New DSN”
MsgBox “Failed to Delete New DSN”
End If
MsgBox “Failed to Create DSN… ” & vbNewLine & sError
End If


With tDSNDetails
.Database = “Pubs”
.Driver = “SQL Server”
.Server = “MyServer”
.TrustedConnection = True    ‘Use NT authentication
.Password = “”
.UserID = “”
.DSN = “TestDSN2”
.Description = “A Test Database2”
.Type = ServerBased
.SystemDSN = True           ‘Create a System DSN
End With

sError = DSNCreate(tDSNDetails)
If Len(sError) = 0 Then
MsgBox “Telah dibuat system DSN”
‘Menghapus DSN
If DSNDelete(tDSNDetails.DSN, tDSNDetails.Driver) Then
MsgBox “DSN telah dihapus”
MsgBox “Gagal menghapus DSN”
End If
MsgBox “Gagal membuat DSN… ” & vbNewLine & sError
End If
End Sub

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